Latest Church News
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Sunday morning services at 10 am.
Come early and have a barista coffee before (orders up to 9.45).
Morning tea served after.
Regular weekly activities (except for school holidays) include:
Tuesdays - Cafe - 12.00-1.30 (see flyer below)
Wednesdays - Play Group - 9.30 - 11.15
Fridays - 10-1 - Art and Games
Fridays - Youth Group - 7-9 pm
Life Groups - contact leaders for information or speak to Pastor Mark.
Community Car Park event - Sunday 13 April. If you have never been to church why not join us on this Sunday. There will be other first-time guests too!
Regular church prayer gatherings: These are held on the first Sunday evening of each month. However, for March (Sunday 2nd) we are joining with the other churches of the area to pray for our combined missions and ministries of this community. Temple Uniting Church, Military Road, Henley Beach.
Prayer for the Muslim World: Ramadan starts on 27 February. Pray for Muslims to come to know Jesus.
Prayer in Lent: We will be providing resources for you to use during Lent in your life groups, intentional relationships and private devotions.
Baptisms - there will be a baptism service on Sunday 6 April.
Alpha will recommence in 2025!
Missions Partnerships - we have local and overseas mission partnerships and priorities. The focus for March is prayer for the Muslim World. See the Missions Noticeboard in the church entry.
Monday Fun Day for primary aged children. First one for the year was Monday 24 February. Lots of fun was had with craft, Bible stories, games and snacks. Bring your children, grandchildren, neighbours, friends. Parents welcome to stay. Next one is 24 March.